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Convert Subtitles


If you have a subtitle file in SAMI (SMI) format and want to convert it to an SRT file, whatsub is the tool for you.Highlight

The Google Chrome extension like Substital let you use custom subtitles. However, it supports only SRT subtitles so if you have SMI ones, you need to convert it to SRT.

Convert from SMI to SRT

To convert SMI to SRT, you can use whatsub convert

whatsub convert sub.smi

Or if you want to specify the subtitle types explicitly, you can do so like

whatsub convert --from smi --to srt sub.smi

Convert from SRT to SMI

To convert SRT to SMI, you can use whatsub convert

whatsub convert sub.smi

Or again, if you want to specify the subtitle types explicitly, you can do so like

whatsub convert --from srt --to smi sub.smi


whatsub convert --help
Whatsub convert [-f|--from <from>] [-t|--to <to>] <src> [<out>] [-h|--help HELP]

Convert subtitles

Available options:
-f|--from <from> A type of subtitle to be converted from. Optional. If missing, it gets the
from type from the extension of the src file.
-t|--to <to> A type of subtitle to be converted to. Optional. If missing it gets the to
type from the extension of the out file.
-h|--help HELP Prints the synopsis and a list of options and arguments.

Positional arguments:
<src> The source subtitle file
<out> An optional output subtitle file. If missing, the result is printed